Every relocation is an individual journey, consisting of various steps. With our wide range of services we offer custom-tailored support to meet the needs of your employee.
We provide expert support in all matters related to visa and immigration – from work permits and health insurance to permanent residency and family reunion. We assist with paperwork, communication and appointments to ensure that your employee will be able to set up their new life without delays and stress-free.
*We do not give any legal or tax advice.
To ease the process of settling into a completely new location, we offer orientation tours tailored to your employee's individual needs and interests. Our consultant will guide your employee through his or her preferred area and provide information about housing options, commuter traffic, schools and entertainment options.
Children Services
If your employee is a parent, our expert team will guide them through the process of finding the most suitable kindergarten or school for their children. We also assist with applications for child or parental benefits.
Home is where the heart is. Of course we will support your employee with relocating their partner too – including job search consultation, integration and training.
Expecting a child is one of the most important times in life and certainly should not be wasted with paperwork. That is why we will take care of everything related to registration and administration, so your employee and their partner get to focus on their new role as parents.
Spouse support
Finding a home
We will help your employee find and rent a furnished accommodation for the first few weeks after their arrival. This will allow them to look for long-term housing without any pressure and focus on their work instead of apartment-hunting.
Our consultants will assist in navigating the housing market, help prepare documents and use their networks to provide your employee with apartment offers in their preferred neighborhoods.
We coordinate the moving arrangements for your employee’s household and personal effects with one of our corporate third-party providers who offer the best value-for-money service.
We connect your employee with an experienced third-party provider that ensures the animal is cared for during the transition and assists with any related paperwork.
In Germany, dog owners are required to register their pet and pay a respective tax – we take care of these administrative processes as well.
Relocating is a crucial period in a person's life. That is why we offer personalized services, which are tailored to the individual and provide the optimal support for your employee – from purchasing a house or vehicle to assistance with organizing their marriage in Germany.
Information / Assessment, Preparation of forms & documents, Collection of the necessary documents for:
- German employment agency (ZAV)
- Acknowledgment of diploma (ZAB)
- Embassy
- Immigrations (Ausländerbehörde)
Monitoring the process between and within authorities
Legal advice from an immigration attorney
Accompany to immigration office
Support with Fast-Track Procedure
Family reunification
Visa / Immigration
Payroll ready S-XL
Visa Immigration (see above)
Depending of size of package ( S-XL) following services can be included:
Assistance with Registration
Tax ID & Tax related admin (tax class change if applicable)
Health insurance
Social security number
Opening german bank account
Pick-up service for passport and documents
Accompany to appointments
Home finding package
Airport pick-up
Temporary home booking
Permanent home finding
Submission of application
Communication with the landlord
Lease checked by lawyer
Assistance with payment of deposit
Assistance with the handover of the flat
Registration with the utilities and internet provider
Adress registration
Family Services
Introducing the german kindergarten/school system & international schools
Providing addresses and information material
Assistance with the search for schools , kindergartens
Assistance with placing child on a waiting list
Guidance with application, including preparation of forms & assistance with final contract
Advice with medical check-ups before starting school
Finding a doctor
Help with shopping for school / kita start
Kita / Hort voucher: preparation of forms and documents including follow up services
Child allowance: preparation of forms and documents, including follow up service ( up to 10 hours)